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Activities

6th Grade Activities

This area has been created to inform 6th graders, their parents, and the entire Brookhaven family and community about special activities and fundraisers for the 2010-2011 school year to support the 6th Grade Outdoor Education program and the End of Year Class party. 

About the Outdoor Education Program...

The Outdoor Education Program is a hands-on learning experience where California State Science Standards are taught in a natural setting.  Students learn about several eco-systems, geology, biology, and conservation.  Held for one week in January, Brookhaven students also meet students from other schools in the district who will attend Tuffree Middle School.  The purpose of fundraising for the program is to help defray the cost of this program, which is approximately $450.  This cost includes transportation to the camp which is located near Big Bear.

Reminders for 6th Graders

  • EcoBag orders are due by October 6th. Click for ...  Patterns & Styles... Flyer... Order form
  • If you have not turned in your letter of intent, please do so ASAP!
  • Remember to begin distributing your sponsor letters to friends and family. You should sign the document and then make copies. All sponsorships need to be received by December 17th.

Forms for 6th Graders

If you can lend a hand....

  • Boo Gram Sales (October 25th – 28th)  If you can sell BooGrams after school, contact Maggie Hasrouni at or Deanne Hunt at

  • Family Social (October 29th) We need people for Set up/Serving/Clean up for dinner & donations of beverages and Bake Sale items. Contact Pam Ek at 

  • Cookie Dough distribution (November 18th after school) Contact Karen Estabrook at

Current Events...

  • September 23rd - October 6th  ECO Bags available to order. Patterns & Styles... Flyer... Order form
  • Wednesday, October 6th (5-8pm) Restaurant Night at Subway (Yorba Linda Blvd./Bradford)
  • October 7-19: Cookie Dough for Sale
  • October 25-28: Boo Grams for Sale after school
  • October 29: Bake sale and dinner at the Family Social
  • November 18: Cookie Dough Distribution after school
Past Events...
  • Thursday, September 23rd (5:30-8:00) Bake/snack & Eco Bag sale at Back to School Night
  • Thursday/Friday, September 16 & 17 (afterschool) Carl's Jr. Discount Books for $5/each
  • Wednesday, September 8th (1:00-3:00) fundraiser at Subway
  • Thursday, September 2nd (during the class list posting) snocones will be sold

Future Fundraisers/Events...

  • Restaurant Nights - various locations (1st Wed. of each month)
  • Bake Sales (Special Events)
  • Cookie Dough (Oct. 7-21) - Delivered on Nov. 18 in the MPR - an annual favorite delivered in time for the holidays.
  • Marie Callender’s Gift Cards & Holiday Green on sale  (Nov. 1-10):  A portion of each card purchased helps support our 6th grade. Great as gifts, or use to purchase your own seasonal pies!
  • Candy Grams (Seasonal) Boo Grams, Holiday Candy Canes and Valentines sold before and after school, sent to students from family and friends!
  • ECO Bags (Ongoing)  These stylish, reusable bags come in a variety of sizes and colors. Look good while shopping and feel good knowing you’re helping the planet! Order forms will be sent home.
  • Borders Holiday Gift Wrap and Book Benefit (Dec. TBA)
  • See’s Candy (Mar. 7-18): Choose from a great assortment of candy, delivered before Spring Break.
  • A Magical Night Under the Stars (TBA) Making an encore appearance, join us for magical fun with Brock Edwards.

Contact Information...

If you have any questions related to the 6th grade fundraising efforts, please contact Pam Ek, Lead Fundraiser Coordinator, at

Brookhaven Elementary School -- (714) 986-7110
1851 N. Brookhaven Ave. Placentia, CA 92870