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Student Handbook

Policies and Procedures

Click here for a printer friendly version


Brookhaven Elementary School is a closed campus.  All visitors must report to the office immediately upon arrival on campus to sign in and receive a visitor badge. The badge is to be worn in a conspicuous place at all times and returned when leaving campus.  School is an academic setting, and as such should be a place where there are minimum disruptions in the classroom.  Parents of Brookhaven Elementary School students are welcome to visit classrooms; however, the date and time must be cleared through the office prior to the desired visits.


Notices of school, school district and community events are posted on the website on Thursday of each week.  A one page flyer is sent home on Thursday informing families of events for the following week. (A few exceptions to this procedure occur occasionally).  Our PTA posts its newsletter on the website along with the monthly calendar.  Please read this and save the calendar page as it contains important dates of interest to you.  The school marquee on Brookhaven Avenue posts important events for your convenience.  Audio communication through ConnectEd (formerly PACE) is a school-to-parent communication system that allows our school to send periodic and personalized voice and/or email messages.  Communication will be primarily email and paperless, and we ask that you include your email address on the emergency form.  Please update your emergency card any time there is a change.


Parent conferences are encouraged at any time throughout the school year.  Contact the teacher directly to discuss an issue, concern or share a success!  Email is an excellent vehicle to use in clarifying any question or addressing a topic.  Teachers request that you call, leave a note, or email to set up an appointment.  Remember, in the morning before school is not a good time to converse with the teacher unless scheduled beforehand.   All of the teacher’s attention goes to the students at that time.

OFFICE POLICIES (top of page)

  1. Students will only be released to an adult of 21 years or older that are authorized on the emergency card.  If you send a note, the person taking your child must be on the emergency card.

  2. We ask that parents/guardians schedule medical and other appointments for students outside of school hours whenever possible.  Research shows that student achievement is directly related to the amount of time the student spends in school.  When arrangements outside of school hours cannot be made, parents/guardians and authorized adults may pick up students before 2:15 p.m.  Please bring students to school in the morning if you have an appointment later in the day so that they will be counted in the Average Daily Attendance.

  3. Office phones are for emergency and school business use only.  Students must make arrangements for after school pick up before they come to school.  Making arrangements for transportation home or asking permission to go somewhere after school are NOT considered emergencies. 

  4. Students are responsible for bringing their homework, assignments, and projects to school.  To avoid classroom disruption, notes or phone calls will not be sent to the student to pick up forgotten homework, projects, musical instruments, or lunches.  If homework is dropped off at the office by parents, it will be placed in the teacher’s mailbox by the end of the day.  Remember, by assuming these matters for your child he or she will not learn how to be responsible.  Our goal is to work with you to teach students how to be responsible for their own school assignments.  Because of the confidential information in classrooms we ask that students and parents do not enter a classroom without a teacher present.

  5. Musical instruments must be brought to school and dropped off in the MPR before school.  They must be placed neatly in the instrument cabinets on the Stage or placed neatly against the wall on the stage.  Part of being a participant in the music program is accepting responsibility for equipment.

  6. Students are responsible for bringing lunch or lunch money to school.  Please check with your student each morning to make sure these arrangements have been made.  A lunch account may be established in advance.  Recent state and federal guidelines have brought focus to the physical well being of children while in attendance at school.  Although childhood obesity and the growing trend in juvenile diabetes have spurred most of this attention, Brookhaven and the District are committed to promoting a healthy environment from classroom to cafeteria.  Please be aware that our district Food Services program makes available for purchase a nutritious meal each day.  Restaurant fast food brought on campus by parents may compromise our efforts in promoting a wellness program for our children.  If parents choose to provide fast food for their children, you are asked to sign your child out, eat off campus, and return within the 45 minutes lunch break.

Remember, all parents and visitors MUST check into the office when entering campus AT ANY TIME.  This policy is in place for the protection of all students on campus.


Brookhaven has rigorous but realistic academic (and behavioral) standards and expectations.  Students are required to make every effort to achieve their potential.  Failure to make reasonable effort will result in lower grades.  Additionally, students who continue to demonstrate a lack of effort may be denied certain special privileges.  As a staff we realize student abilities differ and, at times, mitigating conditions may prevent a child from doing his or her best work during a brief period of time.  Our teachers make adjustments to accommodate individual needs.  If you have any questions or concerns about your child's progress, please call the school to schedule an appointment with your child's teacher or the principal.

HOMEWORK (top of page)

The advantages of homework:

  1. Keeps the parent in touch with the school program.
  2. Develops responsibility and self-discipline in the student.<;/span>
  3. Promotes the ability to work independently.
  4. Encourages good study habits.
  5. Provides practice time so more content may be presented in class.

Guidelines for homework:

  1. Work done at home will be of two kinds:
    • Class work not completed during the regular allotted time period.  A failure to complete this work may result in a lowering of your child’s grade on the report card.
    • Specifically assigned additional work called HOMEWORK.
  2. Homework must be turned in on time in order to participate in special school activities.  Students with more than 9 notifications of incomplete work will be excluded from non-academic special activities.
  3. Homework will be given to broaden or reinforce the student’s learning; it will not be used to introduce a new concept.
  4. Homework policy during absences:
    • Primary grades (1-3) – Each day a primary child is absent the teachers will put assignments in the child’s homework folder.  Parents may request to pick the work up after school.  If not picked up, the work will be sent home with the child on the first day he returns.  It is due within one week.
    • Upper grades (4-6) – To encourage responsibility, upper grade students are encouraged to make arrangements with a “homework buddy” to collect work when they are absent.  Work collected by the “homework buddy” can be picked up by the parent or brought home to the student by the “buddy”. It is the responsibility of the student and parent to know the homework buddy’s name and phone number. Homework is due on the day following the number of days absent.  For example:  If a student is absent 2 days, work is due on the 3rd day after they return.
  5. Sample HOMEWORK assignments:  Reinforcement of classroom work, studying spelling, studying for tests, book reports, projects or reports, culminating a unit of study, math flashcards, oral reading, correcting or redoing papers, etc.

If there are any questions or problems about the assignment or length of home study, please contact the teacher.

Children need to establish a nightly routine Monday - Thursday for home study.  This will promote good study- habits, which will benefit them throughout their school years.  Select a place and time that will be conducive to concentration and free from distractions (T.V., radio, friends, etc.).  The study time should be consistent each night whether or not the child says he has homework.  (Setting a timer for younger students works well.)

Kindergarten: Three to four times a week from 15-30 minutes a night.  No weekend assignments.  Parents are urged to read to their children 15-30 minutes each night. 

First and Second Grade:  Three to four times a week.  Assignments may be on the average of 15-30 minutes.  No weekend assignments.  In addition, a quiet time should be set aside for reading 15 minutes each evening.  Parents are encouraged to read to their students for a minimum of 15-30 minutes a night.

Third and Fourth Grade: Three to four times a week. Assignments may be on the average of 40-60 minutes.  Long-range assignments may be given that necessitate occasional weekend work.  A quiet time should be set aside for students to read a minimum of 20 minutes a night

Fifth and Sixth:  Three to five times a week.  Assignments may be 45-60 minutes and may include long-range assignments that will require occasional weekend work.  A quiet time should be set aside for studnts to read a minimum of 30 minutes per night.

GRADE REPORTING (top of page)

Report cards are issued 3 times a year at the end of each trimester.  Letter grades of A, B, C, D, and F are used to designate progress in grades 3-6.  Grade 1-2 use I=Insufficient Achievement, SW=Satisfactory Work/Achievement, VG=Very Good Achievement, and O=Outstanding Achievement.  Kindergarten shows progress towards standards with a rating of 1=below grade-level standard, 2=Approaching grade-level standard, and 3=Meets or exceeds grade-level standard.  If a child earns below a “C” or “SW” a Progress Report will be sent home mid-quarter. Students should remember that teachers do not give grades.  Rather, students earn grades.


ALL ABSENCES MUST BE VERIFIED.  This can be done by: Calling our phone system to report absences and tardiness – Dial 986-7110 and press 3, or emailing  If your child is out sick, you must call daily or let the attendance clerk know the amount of time the student will be out.  If you do not call to report an absence, you will be contacted at home or work. If you will be out for a trip, etc., please call the attendance line, and report the dates of the absences. You may also advise us of upcoming trips or appointments ahead of time for your convenience.  Students arriving late due to doctor/dentist appointments should have a note from the doctor’s office.

Tardiness can be a serious problem at school.  When a child is late, the teacher must stop instruction, change his/her attendance, and lunch count, and review instruction at the time of the child's arrival.  Punctuality sets a good tone for student responsibility.  Three unexcused tardies in any trimester will result in one day of lunchtime detention.  Each tardy thereafter will result in a lunchtime detention. Chronic absences or tardiness will lead to a School Attendance Review Team (SART) meeting at the school site and or a School Attendance Review Board (SARB) meeting that will include District Attorney, Police officer, Principal, Representative from CWA and Parent and Child.


The following are guidelines the school staff uses to determine if a child should be sent home from school. These guidelines may help you make a decision about sending your child to school with a possible illness or following an illness.

  • If your child has had a temperature of 100 degrees or more, by mouth, (99 degrees under the arm) in the last 24 hours, he/she should not be sent to school.
  • If your child has vomited or had diarrhea in the last 24 hours, he/she should not be sent to school.
  • If your child has thick, nasal drainage, he/she should not be in school until the drainage has cleared up or he/she comes to school with a note from the doctor indicating a non-infectious condition or treatment.
  • If your child has red eyes or any eye drainage, he/she should not be in school unless the eyes are clear or there is a note from the doctor indicating a non-infectious condition or treatment.
  • If your child has a skin rash, he/she should not be in school unless there is a note from the doctor indicating a non-infectious condition or that treatment has been started.

Many children are still developing their personal hygiene habits.  Please encourage them to use good hand washing.  This is the most effective way to prevent the spread of disease.


If students are to be taken out of school for reasons other than illness or death in the family (i.e. vacation trip, etc.), parents may request an Independent Study Contract prior to the absence.  This contract applies to absences of 5 or more school days and must be requested at least one week in advance of the absence. Independent Study Contracts will not be available the last month of school.


  1. Students are not allowed on campus before 7:30 a.m. or after 2:30 p.m.  Student supervision is between 7:30-2:30.  If a student arrives on campus at 7:30 a.m. he/she must remain at the flagpole area until 7:35 a.m. On Wednesdays supervision is from 7:30-1:30pm.

  2. Upper grades (4-6) may enter playgrounds at 7:35 prior to the start of school where they will line up at the 7:45 bell.  Primary students will move to the lunch area where they will also line up by 7:45.  Students go into the classrooms at 7:48 and are tardy if not in their seats at 7:50 a.m. 

  3. When arriving late to school, students will report directly to the office for a pass to class. Three unexcused tardies in any trimester will result in one day of lunchtime detention. Each tardy thereafter will result in a lunchtime detention.  Parents will be notified.  Tardiness, which is excused include illness or a doctor/dentist appointments.

  4. Students will stay on the sidewalks when walking to and from school, always crossing streets carefully at corners or crosswalks, and obeying the crossing guard's instructions at all times.  Parents should encourage children to take the safest route.

  5. Following dismissal, students MUST GO DIRECTLY HOME.  THE SCHOOL DOES NOT PROVIDE SUPERVISION AFTER SCHOOL HOURS.  Parents will be notified when students remain at school past the 2:30 p.m. guideline.  After the third notification, the office of Child Welfare and Attendance will be contacted.  (Exception will be for Homework Club and after school enrichment programs such as The Chess Club and Spanish Club.)

  6. Brookhaven’s Valet Parking Program will be operating again this year with several significant changes.  For the program to be successful we need your help and support.  In order for our valets to assist you and your children, we are asking that you follow these helpful safety rules:

    • Please have student backpacks, lunches or lunch money, and students ready before entering the Brookhaven Express Drop Off area.  Also, please make sure your family nametag is on the dashboard of the passenger’s side of the car during the afternoon pickup.

    •  Drop off in the front of the school, not in the staff parking lot.  During the following time periods cars are not to enter the staff parking lot or park at the green curb:  7:30 a.m. – 8:20 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

    • Pull close to the curb.

    • Come to a complete stop in front of a valet numbered spot for drop off.

    • Remind student to exit carefully when the car has come to a complete stop

    • Before pulling forward, make sure your child is safely on the curb with all of their belongings.

    • Students must exit on the passenger side of the car only (curbside).

    • The parking lot is a right turn only exit.  For safety purposes, please do not make a U-turn on Brower.

  7. Children need to use the crosswalk at Brookhaven and Bastanchury and not cross in the middle of the street. Students are not allowed to wait after school on the grass hill by the kindergarten.  They must be in the supervision area (flag pole).

  8. If your child is to be kept after school for some reason, the teacher will notify you ahead of time.  Your child will not be kept after school in excess of five minutes unless you have been contacted.

  9. If it is necessary for your child to be picked up during school hours, you are required to stop in the office first to sign out your child.  Established policy protects your child by allowing him/her to leave only when signed out by an adult whom you have listed on your child’s Emergency Card.  If someone other than you will be taking your child, please notify the office immediately.

  10. For safety reasons, all parents, and visitors must stop in the office when coming on campus to sign in and receive a visitor pass.

  11. There is no parking on Brookhaven Avenue on Monday mornings. STREET-SWEEPING occurs during this time. Please be sure to park elsewhere if you are on campus during that time, as the city will issue parking tickets to violators.

BIKE RULES (top of page)

Students in grade 4-6 may ride their bicycles to school.

  • Students must follow all bicycle safety laws.  All bike riders must wear a helmet to and from school.
  • Students must walk their bikes upon entering and leaving school grounds.  For safety reasons, bikes may not be ridden on school grounds, sidewalks, walkways, parking lots, playgrounds, etc.  It is strongly recommended that students lock their bikes.
  • Only those students who ride bikes may be in the bike area.
  • Students may not ride double.
  • Students may not ride two abreast along the streets.
  • Students must obey the Crossing Guard’s instructions.
  • The school is not responsible for damaged or stolen bikes.
  • Roller Blades, skateboards, scooters, Heelys or the like, etc. are not allowed at school.

Violators will lose bicycle-riding privileges or receive behavior consequences.


  • Students are to walk to and from school in a safe manner.
  • Students are not to cut across homeowner’s lawns.
  • Students are to cross at crosswalks and obey Crossing Guard, where applicable.
  • Students are not to throw rocks, dirt clods, fruit, etc.
  • Fighting on the way to or from school may result in a suspension.
  • Be polite and courteous to your classmates, homeowners, and all other residents at all times.

STUDENT DRESS (top of page)

The school needs your cooperation in building standards of dress and grooming among pupils.  There is usually a distinct correlation between a well-groomed and carefully dressed students and academic and social success.  Children are to be dressed in clothing and footwear, which allows them to participate in the games and activities, which are part of the elementary school program.

Generally the following articles of clothing are NOT appropriate for school:  (No exceptions.)

  • Baggy pants (pants must fall within 1 inch of the natural waistline (the navel).  Belts must be worn.
  • Tee shirts with inappropriate logos or slogans such as:
    • Beer or alcohol advertisements
    • Sexual/profane language implication
    • Cult implications
  • Strapless tube tops/bare midriff tops
  • Shoes with any type of wheels
  • Shoes that are not securely fastened to the foot. High heels are not allowed.
  • Anything that brings attention to the wearer and/or is a distraction in the class or on the playground; extremes in dress which detracts from the learning environment or which are unsafe
  • Hats/caps worn in the classroom, or inside any building.
  • Extreme haircut or style, distractible hair color, press on or scratch tattoos, body writing, clothing, jewelry, fads, etc., which bring undue attention to the wearer or which distracts from classroom learning or playground behavior.
  • Shoes without socks, exposed underwear, midriff or spaghetti strap tops.  Straps on tops must be at least 3 fingers wide.   Hoop earrings or hanging braids that could be a safety hazard to the students.   Short shorts and short skirts are not allowed.  Shorts and skirts must reach the end of fingertips without shrugging shoulders.
  • Sandals without a back strap or exposed toes.  Platform shoes higher than 1”.
  • Outer clothing must cover underwear.

NOTE: If students are dressed in an inappropriate manner for school and if their dress disrupts the education of other students, they will be asked to call home for a change of clothing.

PLAYGROUND RULES (top of page)

All students are encouraged to participate in activities.  There is less chance of getting into trouble if one is engaged in a meaningful activity.

  • Use the swings and climbing apparatus correctly and safely.  No standing or jumping from this equipment is permitted.
  • Students may not be "frozen out" or excluded from games by other students.
  • Official school rules are to be used when playing blacktop and playground games.
  • Upper grade students are not allowed to use the primary swings or equipment.
  • Horizontal bars are to be used only when there is an adult supervising at the bars.  Hands must be around the bars at all times.  Pull-ups only.
  • Shoes are to be worn at all times.
  • In general, habits of safety, good manners, and good sportsmanship are to be used at all times.
  • All games must stop when the bell rings.  There is to be no additional play.
  • At the end of recess or P.E., students are to WALK to their classrooms or meeting areas when they reach the blacktop or sidewalk areas.
  • Only school equipment may be used at school.
  • Toys or electronic equipment, (such as cars, baseball cards, dolls, stuffed toys, Game Boys, game watches, balls, IPods, etc.) may NOT be brought to school or child care at any time.   Items collected will be kept in the office until a parent picks them up.
  • Children are not allowed to swing while standing up or to ride two in a swing.  Neither shall children jump from a moving swing.

RESTROOMS (top of page)

  • All restrooms are to be used properly.  People deserve sanitary restrooms.
  • Playing in the restrooms is prohibited.
  • Children shall go to the restroom and drinking fountains, tend to their needs, and leave.  These places are not play or discussion areas.
  • The recess period is a restroom period.


The library supports the classroom curriculum and provides Accelerated Reading books.  Each child may check out a book for one weekThe student may check out the same book each week until the book is read.  The student may check out one book for pleasure reading and one for a classroom assignment.  Students visit the library once a week with their class.  Students may visit the library during morning and lunch recess to turn in or check out books.  Reference materials may be used in the library only.

Lost or damaged library books will result in a replacement cost being charged.  Shipping, handling, and processing fees will be included in the replacement fee.  The fee must be paid before students will be able to check out other books from the library.


  • Students shall be seated while eating and use quiet, inside voices for conversation.
  • Students are not to leave their seat without permission until dismissed.
  • Students should use good table manners at all times.
  • Due to medical restrictions/food allergies, etc., students are not allowed to exchange foods.
  • Students are responsible for keeping their eating area clean.  Students will be excused when their area is clean.
  • Carbonated drinks are not allowed. 
  • For safety, no glass containers of any type
  • All food is to be eaten within the lunch area.  No food is to be taken to classrooms, fields, or the blacktop, unless otherwise designated by Administration or Staff.
  • Trash is to be placed in trash containers and not thrown at any time.
  • It is inappropriate behavior to beg or ask for food, or to ask others for money to purchase food.
  • The directions of noon supervisors, administrators, teachers, instructional aides and custodian are to be followed at all times.
  • Stay in designated and supervised areas only before school, at break, and during lunch.

LUNCH PROGRAM (top of page)

Lunches brought in from restaurants are discouraged.   Students who occasionally go home for lunch must be signed out through the office by a parent/guardian.

Lunches (or lunch money) that are brought to the office will be kept in the office to be delivered to the lunch tables prior to lunchtime.  To be certain a Noon Supervisor will pick up the lunches, please have child’s lunch to office by 11:00 a.m.  Your child’s name, room number, and teacher’s name are to be on the lunch sack/lunch pail.  Classrooms will NOT be disrupted to inform the student that his/her lunch is in the office; therefore, remind your child that he/she should check at the lunch tables if he/she is expecting you to bring in a lunch.  Anything in a glass container is not allowed at school.  For those who bring their lunch, milk ($0.50) or juice ($0.75) may be purchased.  A hot lunch (which includes milk) is available for those who wish to buy.  Lunch may be purchased daily or lunch tickets may be purchased in advance.  Hot lunches are sold in blocks of 10 only @ $2.50 each; therefore, 10 lunches would be $25.00.  We do not have change in the office.  If writing a check, make check payable to PYLUSD Food Services.  A free and reduced lunch program is available for those who qualify.  Please see the back of the September Menu for the current prices and further instructions.

*** The school does not have funds to loan money to students for lunch.  If a student does not have anything to eat, PTA will frequently supply peanut butter or cheese crackers.  Lost cash cannot be replaced.  If a student is bringing money for lunch, please put it in a Ziploc bag or envelope, or coin purse with student’s name marked on it.

Reminder:  If your child will be late for whatever reason, it is important that you call in to our attendance line and note whether your child will be ordering a hot lunch.  Otherwise, a hot lunch will be unavailable for purchase due to ordering from a central kitchen.


You are cordially invited to visit your child's class.  Your child benefits when the home and the teacher work together.  These suggestions will make your visit more valuable.

  • Please call or send a note to arrange for a time to visit at least 24 hours prior to your planned visit.  This is a courtesy to the teacher and complies with California Educational Code.
  • Visitors are required to stop at the school office prior to going to the classroom to pick up an office pass.  Visitors must also check through the office before leaving.
  • The teacher will be unable to confer with you during class hours.  A teacher may have yard duty and be unable to visit with you during recess.  The teacher will be happy to schedule an appointment if he/she is unable to confer with you during your visit.
  • Please leave small children at home.
  • Several short visits are usually more informative and less disruptive than one long visit.  Please limit your visit to twenty minutes.
  • Try to visit at a time when your child is engaged in an activity in which he/she is successful.
  • Having a parent observe him/her succeeding at school will improve his/her attitude toward studies as well as his/her self-esteem.

BIRTHDAYS (top of page)

We discourage any activity that takes time or attention away from teaching and learning, so the teacher must approve any acknowledgement of special days, like birthdays ahead of time.  We encourage the donation of a book to our school library to honor the birthday of your child.  Their name will be placed in the donated book.


This is held during the morning recess.  Some of the following nutritious foods are suggested: fruit, vegetables, nuts, cheese, dried fruit, fruit juices, etc.  No candy snacks.  No carbonated drinks in cans or bottles at any time.   Primary will eat at the lunch tables and upper grades will eat snacks at the lunch table near room 408.  No food is allowed on the blacktop. All food wrappers and containers must be placed in trashcans.


Children may come to the office only with permission and a pass from either the classroom teacher or the yard-duty supervisor except in emergencies.


Parents are required to come to the school office if it is necessary to pick up your child during school hoursThe classroom teacher will not release children to adults.  Other adults must have authorization from the child's parent/guardian before the child will be released.  No child will be released to any adult during school hours who is not properly identified and listed on the student’s emergency card.  These procedures are for the protection of your child.

No child is permitted to leave the school grounds without permission from the Principal.

LOST AND FOUND (top of page)

Parents are encouraged to clearly label all personal belongings with the child’s name so that lost items may be returned promptly.  Valuable items, such as jewelry, watches, etc. should not be brought to school. These items are easily mislaid and easily picked up.

Leave all articles of clothing where they are found.  Do not take them to the office unless requested to do so by a staff member.  The owners will return for them if they are left where they are found. Articles of clothing and lunch pails that remain unclaimed are taken to the “Lost and Found” cart that is kept by the MPR.  Money and small objects may be taken to the office with teacher’s permission (office pass).  These items remain in the office until claimed or donated.

If your child is missing a sweater, jacket etc., please check our “lost and found” periodically.  Many items remain unclaimed.  Remaining items will be donated monthly to a local charity.


It is recommended by the American Chiropractic Association, the American Physical Therapy Association, the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, and district administration that in order for students to carry books to and from school, they use either a drag bag on wheels that is not overfilled or a backpack with wide straps that is carried on both shoulders and weighs no more than 10-15% of the student’s weight.  It is also recommended that parents frequently check the drag bag or backpack to ensure that only necessary material are carried and that they are within the suggested weight limits.

The district recommends a drag bag as a first choice.  They should have sturdy wheels and feet, with a strong handle.  Second choice is a backpack with wide straps and a waist belt.  Purchase the lightest weight drag bag or backpack available without sacrificing sturdiness.  Set up a time at least once a week to weigh your child’s drag bag/backpack to prevent overloading.

SPECIAL SERVICES (top of page)


The services of the school psychologist at Brookhaven focus upon the unique needs or concerns of students, staff, and parents.  Delivery of services may include individual psycho-educational assessment for those students referred for possible learning disabilities, monitoring of students in Special Education, and consulting to staff and parents regarding learning style, material modification, behavior management, and self-esteem of students.


Any time a teacher or parent has a concern regarding attendance, behavior, academic, social, emotional, or physical development, the student is referred to the CORE team and they meet to provide recommendations.  The CORE team is made up of trained teachers and administrator.   If further support is recommended by CORE, they refer the student to the Student Study Team which is made up of the psychologist, speech/language specialist, resource specialist, administrator, referring teacher, parents, and/or others working with the student.


The special education services provided for identified students are the Resource Specialist Program (RSP), Speech and Language, Adaptive Physical Education (APE), and Itinerant hearing Impaired and Vision Impaired Therapy Programs.


All students are screened for reading fluency three times a year.  If a child meets the district criteria the child will be placed in a reading intervention group during “Walk to Read” time that varies by grade level.  There are three interventions that Brookhaven provides struggling readers:  Voyager/Passport for those who are at the emerging  level, Language! for students who are at risk of failure, and SRA for those students who are two or more years below grade level in reading. The Language! and SRA programs are replacement curriculums and Voyager/Passport  is a supplemental program to the Houghton Mifflin curriculum that is used district-wide.

GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) SERVICES

GATE students who are identified by district criteria and remain at Brookhaven Elementary are clustered in groups of five-eight students in one class for grades four, five and six.  Identified students may choose to attend the magnet school.

VOLUNTEERS (top of page)

Brookhaven welcomes and values our volunteers.  Without volunteers, many programs and activities offered at our school would not be possible.  You will be given opportunities to sign up for various events, responsibilities, and/or classroom volunteering at the beginning of the year and at Back-to-School Night.  We encourage volunteers to be active at our school and are very appreciative of the many services they perform for us.  We do require, however, that all volunteers (or visitors) sign in and out at the office upon entering and leaving campus and that they have filled out the proper volunteer form.  Identification badges are available for all our volunteers and visitors in the office.  Any adult on the school grounds, other than regular staff members, MUST wear an identification badge.  In addition, to ensure a safe campus, all gates are locked during school hours.  District guidelines require that all children on campus during the school day MUST be registered students at Brookhaven.

ALL volunteers must complete a Volunteer Application Form before working in the classroom.  These can be obtained from the office or from your child’s teacher.

A Volunteer Training Workshop will be scheduled in September.  We ask that all volunteers attend.


Brookhaven provides a Valet Program in the morning and after school for safety and convenience.  Please honor the handicapped parking spaces.  Brookhaven has several parents and guardians who need them.  Parking in any handicapped parking space may result in a ticket.

CHOICE OF TEACHERS (top of page)

To insure well-balanced, heterogeneous classrooms, we do not accept teacher requests.  In order to provide the best learning environment for all students, many factors must be considered.  A qualified team will make the proper recommendation for the placement of your child.


When children are dismissed from school, they are to go directly home, leaving campus by 2:30 p.m. or to Day Care by 2:20-2:25 p.m.  There is no supervision for children to remain on campus.  If a parent is detained from picking up a child on time, the child must notify the school and remain in front of the office (not on the grounds.).  Children are encouraged to walk home in groups.


On-site Child Care Center is located to the west of the office inside of the kindergarten gate to the right.  Their hours are from 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and it is available for Kindergarten through 6th grade.  For more information on registration and fees, contact the Child Care office at 996-0654 and speak to the Director Lisa Elvoid.


The school cannot accept responsibility for injuries occurring on the campus when authorized supervision is not present.  Parents:  Please do not send children to play at school unattended.

SCHOOL EVENTS – Weekend, After-School and Evening (top of page)

An adult MUST accompany all students.  Parents and/or police will be notified if a student is alone on campus.


Our PTA is a very important part of our school activities.  If you wish to support, help, get involved, etc., please call the school.  Our PTA will forward notices regarding meetings and activities regularly. 


You are invited to attend our Back-To-School Night, in the Fall.  Your child’s teacher will discuss instructional goals.  This night is for adults onlyOpen House is scheduled in Spring.  All members of the family are invited to attend and share in the activities and experiences your child has had during the school year.  Children must stay with their parents at Open House.


Brookhaven Star Cards are given for:

  • doing something wonderful
  • voluntary acts of kindness or thoughtfulness
  • superior participation in school activities or events
  • good and/or improved work habits, behavior, interaction, peer teaching
  • overall improvement
  • consistent responsibility
  • good sportsmanship
  • volunteering to help in or outside of class
  • being student of the day/month
Brookhaven Academic Star Cards are given for:
  • outstanding academic achievement (s)
  • using good problem-solving strategies
  • “A” grades
  • 100% on important tests.

Teachers and staff give Star Cards to students.  Students place the Star Cards in a box in their rooms.

At the end of each semester students in grades 4-6 are recognized at an assembly for academic progress, citizenship, demonstration of character traits, and effort.  Names will be drawn from the Star Cards to be recognized at the assemblies.

Recognition of Regular and Punctual Attendance is recognized at the end of the year.  (Perfect attendance or one excused absence in the school year, and one tardy or no tardiness for the year).

BEHAVIOR AT SCHOOL (top of page)

  • Each student must show respect for all members of the school staff even though that person may not be his/her classroom teacher.
  • Each child is expected to respect the rights of other children, as he/she would have his/her rights respected.
  • All school rules must be followed.  Conflict Management Strategies are taught to all students as a means to resolve problems.
  • Obscene or inappropriate language/gestures is/are not to be used on school grounds.
  • No running on campus unless during organized play and only on the grass.
  • Avoid disruptive behavior when classes are in session.
  • NO gum chewing on school grounds.
  • Keep the campus clean and healthy by not littering or spitting.
  • Keep noise to a minimum.
  • A pass is required to be outside of class during class time.
  • “Horseplay or play fighting”, including pushing, shoving, throwing items and tackling is not allowed.
  • Responsible behavior is expected in the classroom, MPR, office and outside areas.
  • Know and follow individual classroom rules.
  • Cellular phones and other portable electronic devices may not be seen, used, or heard at any time during the school day.  These devices will be confiscated if on or out during the day.  If such a device is confiscated, it will be kept in the office until a parent comes to school to receive it.  Other prohibited items include: laser light pens, games pagers, cameras, matches, weapons, lighters, fireworks and anything meant to create a disturbance or distraction.  These items will be confiscated and may be released to a parent or guardian. If a student brings a cell phone to school it is recommended that they have a lock on their backpack.
  • Fighting, play fighting, kicking, or other physical aggression is prohibited.
  • Bicycles, skateboards, and roller skates, roller blades and shoes with rollers are not permitted on school grounds at any time. (The exception being bicycles that are ridden to and from school and locked in bike racks during school hours.)
  • Students may not throw objects over the fence or disturb neighboring residents and/or their pets.  Students are to respect the rights of residents at all times.  They are to behave properly on the way to and from school as well as while they are on school grounds.
  • Animals may not be brought from home, unless Teacher and Principal have granted permission.
  • Candy is not allowed at snack recess or in lunches.  (A sensible sweet dessert is allowed.)  Absolutely no suckers.  Students may bring 2 items of Trick or Treat candy on the first school day after Halloween.


To maintain a safe, orderly and positive school climate, Brookhaven’s Conduct Code sets high standards for student behavior.  The safety and well being of your child is the utmost priority of the Brookhaven School Staff.  We, therefore, ask your cooperation in helping your child understand and follow school rules.  Listed throughout this book and below are the general rules and related behaviors of particular significance:


In an effort to support the positive actions of the vast majority of students, disciplinary action and consequences for inappropriate behavior will be enforced fairly and consistently.

The Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District Board of Education is committed to providing a safe and secure environment in which students can effectively learn.  As such, the Board of Trustees will enforce the following penalties for student involvement with illegal drugs or alcohol and/or dangerous objects or weapons


(Drug/Alcohol, Steroids)

Students found to be using, selling or furnishing a controlled substance will be expelled from the schools of the Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District upon their first offense.

Any of the above offenses involving drugs, and/or dangerous objects will be reported to the proper legal authorities as appropriate.

We need your support and cooperation to ensure that each school campus is a safe and secure environment in which to learn.


It is the belief of the Board of Education that in order to maintain a school environment conducive to the highest quality of learning and, at the same time, foster positive behavior changes in students, intradistrict transfers of students initiated by the school of attendance may be necessary.

Transfers initiated by the school administration are deemed to be in the best interest of the school and student when the student is unresponsive to disciplinary practices and efforts to develop consistent attendance and appropriate school behavior, or when the student is in need of a change in peer group.

Specific criteria for the initiation of an intra-district transfer shall be specified in the discipline plans of each school site.  Additionally, it shall be the responsibility of the school initiating the transfer to assure that the students and parent/guardian are afforded due process including, but not limited to, notification of possible transfer prior to the initiation of the transfer, conferences with the students and parent/guardian, and specification of the conditions for return to the school of residence.  All transfers shall be reviewed annually.


Suspension: “Suspension” (E.C. 48900-48900.5) means removal of a pupil from ongoing instruction for adjustment purposes.  Suspension does not mean any of the following:

*Reassignment to another education program or class at the same school where the pupil will receive continuing instruction for the length of the day prescribed by the governing board for pupils of the same grade level. (E.C. 48925)

Expulsion:  “Expulsion” means removal of a pupil from the immediate supervision and control or the general supervision of school personnel.  (E.C. 48925)


Students may be suspended for the following offenses listed in the Educational Code: (E.C. 48900), (48900.2)

  • Caused/attempted/threatened physical injury.
  • Possessed/sold/furnished a dangerous device.
  • Possessed/used/furnished drugs or alcohol (including steroids)
  • Sold/furnished alleged drugs or alcohol
  • Robbery/extortion
  • Vandalism to school/private property/graffiti
  • Theft of school/private property (or attempt)
  • Possessed or used tobacco
  • Obscene act/habitual profanity/vulgarity
  • Sold/offered to sell drug paraphernalia
  • Disruption/defiance of school authority
  • Receipt of stolen property (school or private)
  • Sexual harassment of another student (E.C. 48900.2)


The Board of Education encourages the use of all available resources in the handling of disciplinary problems including the involvement of parents and guardians in the classroom behavior problems of their children.  Teachers are, therefore, authorized, pursuant to Education Code 48900.1, to require that parent or guardian of a pupil who has been suspended from the teacher’s class for committing an obscene act or engaging in habitual profanity or for disrupting school activities or otherwise willfully defying the authority of a school employee, attend a portion of a school day in his or her child’s classroom.  Teachers who elect to impose this procedure shall do so in accordance with State law and administrative regulations.


It is the policy of this school and the district that all students be treated with respect and feel comfortable attending school.  The harassment of others based on sexual, religious, racial, or other themes will not be tolerated and will result in a referral to an administrator.  Consequences for harassment or bullying of any type may include suspension.  All students are responsible for treating others with respect.  Verbal or physical bullying, calling others names that put them down, using words that make another person feel extremely insulted, touching others in an unacceptable manner, and making comments of a sexual nature are considered harassment.  If at any time your child feels uncomfortable in dealing with other students or adults, it is your responsibility to report that occurrence to a teacher or administrator who will help you deal with the situation

Again this year, it is important that we review the law in California and our District Board Policy related to the sexual harassment of students.  This law applies to student behavior in grades 4 through 12 and prohibits the sexual harassment of students by staff or other students.  Sexual harassment may include such behaviors as:

  • Unwelcome leering, sexual flirtations, or propositions
  • Unwelcome sexual slurs, threats, derogatory comments, or sexually degrading descriptions
  • Graphic verbal comments about one’s body
  • Sexual jokes, stories, drawing pictures, or gestures
  • Teasing or sexual remarks about students
  • Touching another’s body or clothes in a sexual way
  • Blocking of normal movements
  • Displaying sexually suggestive objects at school

Any student who feels that he/she is being harassed should report it immediately to the principal.  Students who engage in any form of sexual harassment may be subject to disciplinary actions.

A hotline has been initiated so that parents and community members may report problems to the district -anonymously if they desire.  By dialing 996-6040, civic-minded citizens may leave a message relating the incident. We ask that reports include the date and time of the incident, the student's name (if known) and description, the school involved, and any other appropriate information.


REMINDER from Brookhaven School Safety Committee

Brookhaven’s staff, in conjunction with the Brookhaven PTA, is continually preparing for potential disasters, including earthquakes.  If a disaster should occur during school hours, there would be a possibility that your child would need to remain at school through the dinner hour, or possibly, overnight.


If telephones are operational following a serious disaster, their use will be restricted to reporting medical, fire, or other emergencies.  Please do not call the school (personnel may not be available to answer phones).  Information for parents will be released by radio on local stations KEZY (95.9 FM), KFI (640 AM), and/or KNX (1070 AM).  Parents will be advised regarding school conditions, dismissal times, and procedures.




No child will be released to anyone other than his/her parent or guardian, except under the following condition:

  • Parent or guardian has designated other adult emergency contacts on the disaster card.
  • The identification, signature, and destination of any person signing a child out will be required before the child is released.  Sign child out from the students-release area at the North parking lot.  Once cleared, proceed to the kindergarten yard at the south end of campus where your child will be released to you or your designee.  Only school personnel, emergency workers, and authorized volunteers will be allowed on campus in the event of a disaster until all students are accounted for or in the event the school site is designated as a Red Cross shelter.  Your cooperation will be necessary in signing your child out after a disaster.  The school must account for each and every student.  We therefore need students signed out in a calm, orderly manner.  REMEMBER – Personnel could be needlessly injured searching for your child if his/her whereabouts are unknown.
  • If any of the above items are judged to be in doubt, the child will remain in the care of the school.
  • If circumstances warrant, it may be safest to move your child to an alternate location.
  • Please minimize the possibility of a traffic jam and facilitate the smooth release of children by walking to school when possible.   If you must drive to school, leave your car at least a block away to allow emergency vehicles room to get in.  Please adhere to this courtesy so that we can help all families as fast as possible.
  • Adult volunteers will be welcome to assist on campus during the emergency.  Present yourself at the Information Gate and state your willingness to work on campus.


Other than minor scratches, bumps, etc., you will be notified promptly if your child becomes ill or is injured at school.  The school will follow the directions you give on the Emergency Card concerning your physician and others who are to be notified if you are unavailable.  Please keep the Emergency Card up to date by notifying the office immediately of any changes.

Some children require medication during school hours.  Should this be the case, the following procedures must be followed:

  1. Long term or daily medications: Parent and Physician Medication Request forms must be signed and brought to the office.  The medication must be in the original prescription container, and the pharmacist's label must indicate name of student, date, name of doctor, and name and specified dosage of medication, and method of administration.
  2. Short term medication such as cough medicine and antibiotics, Parent and Physician Permission form is required.  The medication must be brought to school in the prescription container.  The pharmacist's label must indicate name of student, date, name of doctor, name and specified dosage of medication, and method of administration.
  3. "Over the counter" medications, i.e., aspirin, cannot and will not be dispensed without physician's authorization.  A Parent and Physician Permission form is required and medication must be in original container.

The medication will be kept in the health office in a locked area designated by the principal.


Brookhaven Elementary School -- (714) 986-7110
1851 N. Brookhaven Ave. Placentia, CA 92870